Anchorage skyline in the foreground with the water in the background.
Indigenous music and dancing
Picture of a small lake with green grass and trees in the foreground and mountains in the background
Anchorage skyline in the foreground with the water in the background.
2022 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics
Anchorage, Alaska, USA June 1-3, 2022
Paper Submissions
Authors should only submit original work that has neither appeared elsewhere for publication, nor is under review for another refereed publication. The conference will verify the originality of manuscripts by comparing them with millions of other articles in databases worldwide. Manuscripts that violate IEEE’s publication principles may be rejected. If the violation is deemed severe, then disciplinary actions may also be taken by IEEE. Before submission, please familiarise yourself with the following IEEE authorship guidelines and policies:
IEEE authorship guidelines at:
IEEE Policy on Plagiarism at:
IEEE Policy on Double Submission at:
Where to Submit
Submission system is now open. Technical papers must be submitted by 15 January 2022 (23:59 CET), using the submission link below:
During the submission process, an appropriate Regular Track or Special Session must be selected.
Accepted and presented regular, special session and work-in-progress papers will be copyrighted to IEEE and published in conference proceedings and in the IEEE Xplore® Digital Library.
Presentation Requirements
Accepted regular, special session and work-in-progress papers will be copyrighted to IEEE and will be submitted for inclusion in the IEEE Xplore® Digital Library and EI Compendex database if and only if all three of the following requirements are satisfied:
Submission of final PDF, validated using PDF eXpress and accompanied by the relevant copyright transfer to IEEE.
At least one author registration associated with the paper ID and receipt of payment by the final submission deadline.
Presentation of the work at the conference.
Detailed instructions for the submission of final papers and posters will be posted prior to the acceptance notification deadline.
Presentation of papers can be done as follows:
A. By author: Ideally, the primary author or one of the co-authors will attend the conference and present their contribution. This is the classical way of participating in conferences, and authors gain the greatest professional benefits.
B. By colleague: If the primary author or any of the co-authors cannot present, then a qualified colleague may present the paper. A qualified colleague is one who is familiar with the technical field, and is capable of discussing the issues. The primary author or co-authors would miss the technical interaction, but fulfil professional obligations. Note: A full author registration must be paid even if the qualified colleague is an author of another (different) paper in the conference.
Papers that do not meet one of these requirements (A or B) will be noted as No-show after the conference and will not be sent to the IEEE Xplore® Digital Library. No registration refund will be given in any case.
According to the above policy, ISIE 2022 will publish and distribute at the conference a Conference Proceedings with copyrighted content. All final papers will be included in the conference proceedings, BUT No-show papers will NOT be accessible from the IEEE Xplore® Digital Library. The No-show papers are copyrighted, and cannot be re-published without permission from the IEEE.